Walfang auf Färöer Inseln beenden!

Unser Brief an die dänischen Europa-Abgeordneten

Bitte tut es der MUT Arbeitsgruppe Ozeanschutz gleich und nehmt die dänischen Europa-Abgeordneten in die Pflicht hinsichtlich des furchtbaren Wal- Massakers auf den Faröer- Inseln!

Wir berichteten bereits zum Geschehen!

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Dear ladies and gentlemen, representing Denmark in the European Parliament!

In my position as chairlady of the German party “Mensch Umwelt Tierschutz – Tierschutzpartei” (The German Animal Welfare Party) and head of our group „Ocean Protection“ I approach you today on behalf of our party, our voters and members.

You represent the European partner country Denmark, which is assigned to the Faroe Islands. Here annually the appalling massacre of hundreds of pilot whales takes place, an event that is defended by the inhabitants as a cultural asset.

Under European law, hunting is prohibited on whales.

Since the islands have a special legal status, you have taken a relatively neutral stance. Last year, however, the Navy of Denmark took massive steps against our befriended organisation Sea Shepherd, arrested several members and even confiscated their ships.

With this action your country gave up its neutral stance on these crimes against the inhabitants of the seas officially and now moves much more into responsibility.

We urge you to use your influence on the Faroe Islands and stand to your responsibility.

Please help us to free these scenically beautiful islands and their inhabitants from the horrific carnage that causes massive international criticism. When a country or an island group relies on the fact that bloody battle festivals and rituals that take even lasting impact on an ecosystem are worth protecting and belong to the cultural tradition, you have to wonder, who wants to identify themselves with such a country!

Take influence, let the Faroe Islands turn to a peaceful patch of earth and stop the fight against those who are protecting the islands good name, the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society!

Thank you very much and I remain hopeful.


Bettina Jung

Partei Mensch Umwelt Tierschutz
1. Vorsitzende Landesverband Hamburg
Am Schulberg 15
21279 Wenzendorf
Fon: 04165 224859
Mobil: 0170 3824947
[email protected]